
The Back Story

What’s all this about?

I’m Leveena. I’m a graphic designer based in Kent, UK. I’m in my late twenties and I live at home with my lovely mum. Partly because it’s the cosiest, safest place in the world to me, and partly because being able to step out on your own (without moving into a box or spending your entire salary on rent) as a young person in the UK isn’t as easy as it should be.

That being said, I’ve always been excited by the idea of moving into my own space, purely for the thrill of having free reign to decorate it however I want – surely decorating is the most fun part? This is probably the result of me spending hours playing The Sims as a child.

My best friend moved into her own flat in the summer of 2023 and I was so proud and excited for her. I needed to find her a really cute housewarming gift, and then I remembered I had the skills to make her one…duh. So, I decided to make her a 3 piece housewarming poster set to help her decorate her new space and make it feel more homely. I had a great time creating the set for her and the process further highlighted to me that moving out on your own really is an achievement that people should be commended on.

That’s how we got here. I’m really making these because I find it so enjoyable, but also because it’s nice to give people their props for being able to do well for themselves, especially as young people navigating major life events like moving out or buying your first home. Aside from young people finding their feet, there are so many different groups of people making life-changing moves into new homes who can also enjoy my prints. The point is to give yourself, or someone you care about, an impactful printed reminder that they’re doing well.

The set that kicked things off:

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